Western Water Market Podcast

5: How to protect your water rights from relinquishment with Dan Haller

Kristina Ribellia

Did you know water rights can be lost, also known as forfeited or relinquished, wholly or in part for non-use and or misuse?  It’s a true story and quite possibly the most important thing you want to know and understand as a water right holder or someone interested in buying property with water rights.  Join Dan Haller with Aspect Consulting as he breaks down “use it or lose it,” a fundamental tenet of Western water law, including why it exists and what you need to know and do to protect your water rights and future assets. 

Please note, while this discussion is focussed on Washington, the “relinquishment clock” and exemptions vary from state to state and even basin to basin in some cases.  To better understand your local laws, policies, and regulations, we highly recommend working with a water right professional in your state. 

[01:00] - About Dan Haller
[04:16] - What is water right relinquishment — "use it or lose it"
[07:04] - How water rights can become relinquished
[09:10]- Exemptions to relinquishment in Washington
[13:58] - Two key things you should know and do to protect your water rights from relinquishment
[16:21] - Multiple lines of evidence and important records to keep
[19:18] - Buyer due diligence
[19:50] - Two common reasons water rights are relinquished and how to avoid it
[25:26] - Making changes to this fundamental principle of Western water law
[28:06] - Two key things to remember
